Github: https://github.com/Pilab-XMU/XMe_DataAnalysis
Gitee: https://gitee.com/Pilab-XMU/XMe_DataAnalysis
This is a Single-Molecule Break Junctions experiment data processing software built with Python and PyQt5, licensed under the Apache 2.0.
Environmental requirements
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Please click here to download the data processing software.
User Guide
Please click here to read user guide.
If there are any problems during use, please issue or contact me by email(shangchixmu@stu.xmu.edu.cn)
The users of XMe code should state "The data is analyzed by XMe open-source code(github.com/Pilab-XMU/XMe_DataAnalysis) by Prof. Wenjing Hong's group in Xiamen University." in the desciption of experimental method in the paper, and cite 3 references in the paper as follows:
Liu, J.; …Hong, W., Transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in single-molecule junctions, Chem, 2019, 5, 390-401.
Bai, J.; …Hong, W., Anti-resonance features of destructive quantum interference in single-molecule thiophene junctions achieved by electrochemical gating, Nature Materials, 2019, 18, 364–369.
Tang, C.; …Hong, W., Multicenter-Bond-Based quantum interference in charge transport through single-molecule carborane junctions, Angewandte Chemie International Editions, 2019, 58 (31), 10601-10605.
For the use of the clustering algorithm, please also refer to the reference of Reference 4-5:
Lin, L.; …Hong, W., Spectral Clustering to Analyze the Hidden Events in Single-Molecule Break Junctions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125(6), 3623–3630
Huang, F.; …Hong, W., Automatic classification of single-molecule charge transport data with an unsupervised machine-learning algorithm, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 1665-1673.
For the analysis of PSD flicker noise analysis, please also refer to Reference 6:
Pan, Z.; …Hong, W., The evolution of charge transport mechanism in single-molecule break junction revealed by the flicker noise analysis, Small, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202107220
Chi Shang
Gang Dong
Ruihao Li
Zhichao Pan
Luchun Lin
Wenjing Hong
Big Data
[Molecule-Electrode Interface Database Entry]